Week Five – 3D Printing

Due Wednesday by 8:30 AM, best completed by Tuesday Afternoon.


1.Watch the video below. Stop at 6:15.

2.  Answer the following questions in paragraph form (approximately 300 words) by typing your response in the comments section below. 

  • a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

  • b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?

You will be marked on the quality of your response:

9-10: Excellent and insightful; response shows superb understanding and critical analysis; contains great details and responds to complex ideas

7-8: Good; response shows thoughtful understanding; contains good details and responds to ideas 

5-6: Satisfactory; response shows a basic understanding; contains basic details and responds only to major ideas

3-4: Unsatisfactory; response shows some misunderstanding; contains insufficient details and does not fully respond to the main ideas

1-2: Poor; response shows poor understanding; contains no details and does not respond to the task

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60 Responses to Week Five – 3D Printing

  1. Kakeru Yamamoto says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    There are some things in things in this video that can be printed using several 3D printing technologies. For example, the ears, nose, and fingers are body parts. This video states that even food can be printed using 3D printing. In addition, it seems that the construction of a 3D house using 3D printing technology is also planned. Among them, the 3D objects that surprised me the ears, nose, and fingers, which are parts of the human body. He mentioned in this video that his goal is to attach 3D printed body parts directly to patients, and it would be truly amazing if he could with disabilities or who are missing body parts for some reason. Furthermore, 3D printing does not cost that much money, so it will be possible to quickly and easily create and install devices.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or Why not?

    I can imagine that this technology will have interesting and revolutionary evolution in the future. What I thought was that at this stage it is possible to create body parts from tissue. If in the future it is possible to reproduce all human parts with 3D printing, it may be possible to create people who are exactly similar to ourselves. When you want to take a break from school, be sure to ask the 3D printing guy to go out and do it for you. I can also imagine that by preserving all of my human parts in 3D prints, people resemble me will be able to run the city after I die. You may even be able to meet the deceased. However, I am afraid to imagine that this is going too far.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Menekse Bicer says:

      Thank you for sharing your opinion, I agree with your view, because If someone had suggested ten years ago that such things would occur in the future, I would have thought they were crazy. However, given the state of technology today, I wonder what more might be in store for us.


    • Kosei Kelowna says:

      Hi Kakeru! The idea of preserving individual body parts and using that data to create new bodies is showing like a science fiction scenario. However, as this technology advances, ethical and societal issues may emerge. Careful consideration is required on how to manage and utilize this technology.


  2. Menekse Bicer says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    There are many areas where are used the 3D printing technology. At the beginning of video, hearing aids, and jewelry making has been already used for nasa. Following up the video, Dr. Anthony mentioned that eras, fingers, and noses begin to be created by 3D printing. Also, some organs especially kidney has been printing by using 3D printer, in this way, ıt is possible to make many organs. Simply select the organ you wish to create, then let the printer produce them repeatedly. Furthermore, skin printing was used by the US military’s in order to recover injured soldiers. Nowadays, 3D printed air ducts are installed in some commercial aircraft, and the film sector has been using the technology to create costumes such as Iron Man suit materials, and also students have printed food at lab cakes and peanut butter, much as they have printed video games on computers. İn my point of view, printing many organs is the most amazing for me, because I can assist many patients who are waiting for organ transplants as a nurse, so nobody needs to wait for organ transplantation. By printing the organ the patient requires whenever we want, I can preserve their life. Additionally, making ears, fingers, and noses by using 3d printing sound good, I can give many people who lost their fingers due to work accidents the chance to use their fingers again.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or Why not?

    I think this technology will revolutionize the world, perhaps in the future life, I do not know people will not only make ears, noses, or the other organs which are belong to humans, but also print other people themselves. Maybe people will have the ability to print food with flavors, as long as this technology exists in my opinion they will would like to crazy things like this, I can imagine. Moreover, the film industry is constantly evolving and will continue to evolve, for example people who are similar to actors or actresses can be printed and in the future only they can be played by computers in movies.


    • Kokoa Katsumata says:

      Thank you for your opinion.
      I agree with your idea. And I think the possibility with technology doesn’t have limit like you said. Maybe we have to think about from another perspective and be careful.


    • Kakeru yamamoto says:

      Thank you for sharing your opinion. You and I had similar opinions on the future of this technology. Yes, as you say, this technology may seem a little crazy, but I’d really like to see it.


  3. Kokoa Katsumata says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    A machine that can make copies of almost anything but in 3D, it is already in use building, hearing aids, jewelry even parts for NASA. It means technology is becoming available. In this video, the project is a type of 3D printing called bioprinting led by Dr. Atala. His goal is to transplant the parts directly into patients. I was surprised when he said that 3D printer can make human’s kidney. So it was the most amazing for me. Because I don’t have much knowledge about human’s tissues, but if it’s possible, it’s helpful for a lot of people. The problems of people who need organ transplantation is that they can’t find someone who donates organs to them. But the doctor said that he can make thousands kidneys with 3D printers. I hope that kidney is one of examples and he can make some another organs for people who need. So many people can be helped with this amazing new technology. But I’m not sure that those are safe for human’s tissues, so we have to continue carefully.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?

    This technology has many possibilities depend on case. As seen in video, for example entertainments, buildings, vehicles, materials, and foods. It relates to our life quality and style. Almost stuffs that we use in our life can be made by 3D printer. I think if the machine make something, those things are more accurate than those by human. And of corse, it will revolutionize the world. Recently, we always hear the word “global”. If one country has technology like this, all over the world will be influenced by that country. Sometimes we have to relay on new technology. Because as we have continued to develop, we have reached an area that humans cannot handle. We have to cooperate with new technology to make our life better.


  4. Reina Takeda says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    The 3D printer is already used in building hearing aids, jewelry, and parts of NASA. Additionally, it is possible to make something such as outfitted with air ducts of air planes, costumes parts of suits in Iron Man 2, 3D print a house. Also, it will be possible to make some organs to print tissues with cells, and it will be implanted in patients. I think printing tissues with cells and making organs to transplant is the most amazing technology. It is imaginable that costumes and airplane parts could be made with a 3D printer, since they could have been made by humans without the use of a 3D printer. Although there is a technology to implant human organs, a technology to create organs has never been seen or imagined before, and when it becomes available, it can save many people in need of transplants, so I felt it was amazing technology.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?

    I think that this technology can help solve global problems. For example, as shown in this video, if it will be possible to make various kinds of food with 3Ⅾ printers, a supply of food will be able to stable, which may solve the problems of rising prices and starvation. In addition, if organs or other medical things can be made with 3Ⅾ printers without any problems, it will be possible to reduce the number of people waiting for transplants as well as the number of people donating them, and also the number of people who saved will be able to increase. From these examples, I think it will revolutionize the world and 3D printers will make it easier and cheaper to produce the things that exist in our lives today and develop new ways of making things, which will be useful all over the world especially poor countries which do not have enough skills to have bare minimum life.


    • Jigen says:

      Thank you for sharing your opinion. I agree with your opinion. I also think about if we can make food with 3D printers, Starvation will be reduced. I hope people can use 3D printers effectively in the future.


  5. Seungmin Lee says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?
    The way of use 3D printer is that tiny droplets are deposited building up a structure. The structures can be hearing aids, jewellery, or part of Nasa. The most amazing thing is bioprinting because the structure can be transplanted to the body part. Generally, printing sheets of paper is used with ink when people utilize a 3D printer; however, printing tissues with cells is used for bioprinting. The process of bioprinting is that the scanned image of a body part is sent to the printer, and the machine starts building a part of the body. It is a far-fetched situation to me. Before I watched this video, I did not know about transplanting with bioprinting. Then, we can not suffer from the problem of an organ transplant. The reason is that most people are nervous about the process of implanting an organ transplant. If this technology is safe, people need not be afraid about transplanting. Even though I doubt the stability of this technology, the fact is that this technology is essential for people who are wounded.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?
    Perhaps, people use their 3D printers for the environment. They will develop a recyclable material to use 3D printers. If the recyclable material can be made, the environment of earth will be improved. People make a new product with 3D printers and the product can be another product with a recycling system. So, I hope that people who have 3D printers use the technology for the environment.


    • Reina Takeda says:

      Thank you for sharing your opinion.
      I didn’t come up with the idea of technology being used for the environment, so I was interested in your idea. I hope that the environment will be improved using 3D printers, too.


    • Satsuki Kiyama says:

      Thank you for sharing your opinion.
      I really like your idea. If we can use 3D printers for making recyclable products, the environment will be improved and these products will be able to change our future. I hope that using 3D printers for the environment.


  6. Satsuki Kiyama says:

    a)3D printing technology could make buildings, healing aids, jewelry, and parts of NASA.
    For instance, the specific parts of humans such as ears, noses, and fingers can be printed layer upon tiny droplets are deposited building up the structure by using bio ink a mixture of biodegradable gel and actual human cells.
    In my opinion, making buildings by using 3D printing is the most helpful and epoch. It takes lots of time to build one building if carpenters build. However, 3D printing will be able to make it faster and it can build more complicated ones, I suppose. For example, this technology can also be used in areas such as developing countries where there are little technology or specialized people to build buildings. Moreover, it will be useful for areas that have extreme weather and damaged buildings, it can build new buildings soon.

    b)In the near future, if it is possible that organs made by 3D printing can use for implanting, more patients can be saved their life. I suppose it will revolutionize the world. In fact, in this video, Dr. Attalla said that more than 90% of patients on the transplant list are waiting for a kidney. This percentage is so big that all patients cannot be treated in the current situation. While waiting for their turn to donate their organs, their symptoms worsen and they cannot be cured, or in the worst case, they just wait for death. If this technology is feasible, many organs can be created by 3D printing in a short amount of time, and because the bio ink is mixed with real patient cells, it can be adapted without the body having a rejection reaction. This technology has a possibility that it can change the medical field to a more reliable one.


  7. Jigen says:

    In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    In this video, people can make body using a 3D printer. He also said that it could be used to airplanes.
    What surprised me the most amazed about the use 3d printer to create human ears.
    Because the ears are made using a 3D printer. In my opinion, I thought 3D printers could only make plastic. However, I learned that it is possible to create human ears by combining cells and 3D printer. However, I wondered if ears made with a 3D printer would match people.But, the video said it was match with humans.
    I thought that creating the part of body with a 3D printer could help many people.
    For example, even if you cannot transplant it, you can make it with a 3D printer and use it.I think this 3d printer technology was wonderful.

    What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?

    I think 3D printers can be useful in the construction industry. Because it takes less time to build building. Also , I think it would be cheaper to make it 3D printer than to buy the materials. I also thought that labor costs will be lower. I think this will lead to cost reductions both material costs and labor costs. In my opinion, we should careful in countries where there are many earthquakes. In Japan, Japan is a country that a lot of earthquakes. Therefore, there are concerns about houses made with 3D printers. So, I thought that things made with 3D printers need to more reliable. However if this were realized I think it would be amazing


    • Akari Nakamura says:

      Thank you for sharing your opinion and I agree with it. I was also thinking about large products including houses but I didn’t care about their strength. Indeed, it is cheaper and useful by using 3D printers, but we need to consider that.


  8. Akari Nakamura says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?
    This video introduces many things printed using a 3D printer. Hearing aids, jewelry and parts of NASA were first introduced. Tissues and organs such as ears, noses, fingers and kidneys have been printed in the medical field. Also, air ducts in the aerospace industry, costumes in the movie industry, chocolates, peanut butter and cakes in the food industry have already been used. Moreover, a house could be printed because a professor in California plans it.
    I thought that tissues and organs are the most amazing. Because if it is fully put into practical use, many lives can be saved. As Dr. Itala mentioned in Ted Talk, 90 percent of patients on the transplant list are actually waiting for a kidney, I think that other organs are the same. If more organs can be created by using 3D printers, it can proceed to treat patients like that. Also, I thought that it is revolutionary that it can avoid the major problem of rejection by using the patient’s own cells.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?
    In my opinion, this technology will increasingly be applied to manufacturing processes, especially large products such as cars and airplanes. It will revolutionize the world, especially the manufacturing industry. Because currently, each part is manufactured individually and then put together at the end but it will be possible to manufacture all of them at once using one machine if evolution continues this technology. Also, it will lead to changes in people’s working style because it will significantly reduce working hours. Transporting each part to another factory is unnecessary, and fewer people are required to monitor machines at the factory. However, at the same time, I am concerned that the number of unemployed people might increase because required skills from the company change.


    • Ayano says:

      Thank you for sharing your opinion. I totally agree with you because there are many people who need to get organ donation, but they can’t get so soon. So it can help people alive longer , and the demands of using this technology could be high. Developing of 3D pringting technology has not only advantage but also disadvantage like losing jobs, I’m also worried that our jobs are taken over by new technology more and more.


  9. Ayano says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?
    3D printing is already used for building hearing aids, jewelry, and some part of NASA.
    Dr.Anthony is aiming towards transplanting some part of body such as ear, nose and finger by 3D printing technology using actual humans cell , and already have done a experiment about that. Also, this technology is used in aerospace industry and hollywood. Some planes are installed air duct that are 3D printed , they make smoother, lighter and cheaper than the traditional methods. In the future, it is expected to be used for plannning a 3D house, food, and I pad. I think 3D printing used for transplanting is the most amazing because nowadays demand and supply of organ transplanting is unbalancded, there are many people need to get trancplanting from someone but can’t receive anything becuse of lacking of doners, so if this technology can be used in our real life, it can solve this problem and help a lot of patients.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?
    I think 3D print technology can help for disability people especially who use artificial legs or hands and it will revolutionize around the world. However, these are already evoluving and helping people so much that some people can participate sports games without their real legs, actually the appearence has not really looked like a real leg yet, so it can improve more and more by using 3D pringting technology. If the artifitial fingger has been maked, people can move their fingger flexiber and smoother from the base to the fingger tips. In additon, I have heard that when people put artificial legs or hands on their body, and they have hard sore,but 3D printing technology will scan their skin surface detailedly, so it might solve this problem at the same time.


    • Riko Furukawa says:

      Thank you for sharing your interesting opinion. Your idea about 3D printing technology is similar with mine. However, I didn’t notice about the appearance of the artificial legs and hands. Some people might care about the looks, so I hope that the technology will be developed more and more and people will achieve in the future.


  10. Miku Saito says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?

    There are various ways to use 3D printers such as hearing aids, Jewerly, even parts for NASA and so on. Additionally, bioprinting is used to transplant the parts directly into patients. I think this technology is the most amazing because I noticed some great possibilities helping disabled people in several ways. For example, this video mentioned that the technology using patients’ own cells does not cause the major problem of rejection. So, I was surpriesed at regenerative medicine. Furthermore, I believe that this technology will be used for prosthetics and orthotics in the future. This technology is still testing as this video mentioned and there sre some problems of cost or safety, but if it will be possible to provide patients the products using bioprinting without any difficulities, It is going to be a big innovation in medical department. Prosthetics and orthotics using 3D printing provide a better fit due to personalized mesuring with it and oppotunities to enhance people with dissabilities. On the other hand, some people create weapons with using 3D printing such as guns. It is concerned the risks of these way of using 3D printing and how to limit to use them. Once more things become possible thanks to the innovation include 3D printing, there are more concerns in the future.


  11. Riko Furukawa says:

    a) 3D printers can build almost anything. Hearing aids, jewellery, and parts of NASA have been already built by 3D printing. Also, some human body parts, such as ears, noses, fingers, kidneys, and skin were being printed. They are built with actual human cells instead of ink. Additionally, air ducts could be printed. They are smoother, lighter, and cheaper than traditional ones. Also parts of the costume were 3D printed by Hollywood and used in the film, Iron Man 2. A professor in California plans to use a 3D printer to build a house. Also some kinds of food including chocolate, peanut butter, and cakes have been printed already by students. The thing I think the most amazing is human body parts. Because, patients can be transplanted with parts that have been printed with their own cells. It can protect patients from the big problem, rejection. As a result, it can help people to stay alive.

    b) In the future, 3D printing could help people to build prosthetic arms and legs. I believe it will revolutionize the world. Because, if some artificial human body parts can be made completely coping with the real physical structure in detail, they could fit people’s bodies well and people could move smoothly. Moreover, if the parts can be made with low costs the same as air ducts, more people would have a chance to wear them and live their lives comfortably. Also I imagined that people scan their bodies when they are young and keep the data for the future. Then after they get older, they can build healthy body parts by 3D printing and put them on their bodies. If it is possible, people can stay healthier and healthy life expectancy might be longer. From the above, the world could be revolutinized in the future.


  12. Shinon says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    3D printers are used to make hearing aids, jewelry, and parts for NASA. Now, not only that it can also create parts of the human body. This video shows how the human’s ear is made firstly. And also, some commercial planes are outfitted with air ducts that are 3D printed made and Factional parts of Aerospace industry. These are smoother and cheaper than the original one. Then, Hollywood is also using it to make parts of costumes. Professor is planning to build house that made by 3D print. I’ve watched the TV show which explains how to make 3D house “model” but nowadays, some professors are trying to build a house, so it was interesting for me. And the most amazing thing for me was making parts of the human body is that using the patient’s own cells to avoid major problem of rejection. I was surprised because I felt that technology has entered the human body.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?

    From this video, it mentioned about organ transplants. The Doctor then takes the kidney as an example and said it could create thousands of organs at the same time. As mentioned in the video, the innovation of 3D printing can heal human injuries and create parts of the human body. This shows that technological innovation can help humans. It also mentioned about food, and I thought if research continues as it is, it might be possible to create food with customized nutrition.


    • EunGyu says:

      thank you for sharing your opinion I also think that it’s amazing that 3D printer technology is used in the human body. I also think that if it is used in a way that is good for humans, whether it is food or human body, it will bring tremendous benefits to people.


  13. EunGyu says:

    3D printers are already being used to make hearing aids and jewelry. It is even used as a part of screw products. also can turn the garage into a small factory. And can make eyes, nose, ears, etc., which are part of the human body. The most amazing thing about 3D printing technology is that it can make a human body. When it comes to printing in general, all you can think of is paper printing, but it’s amazing that technological advancements can even make a human body. If 3D printer can build a human body and even build internal organs, I think there’s nothing you can’t do medically anymore. I think it is very meaningful because the fact that we can create a new body that can be replaced even if there is a problem with the body means that people who are physically uncomfortable will no longer exist. I hope that 3D printers will develop quickly and be useful.


    • EunGyu says:

      I think 3D printer technology can only bring a revolution to the world. In the video, only the positive direction was mentioned, but in my opinion, the possibility of using it as a negative direction is also very high. If it is used only medically and in a way that is helpful to people, it is good, but I think that if you can make anything, you can make enough things that can harm people. For example, if you can create weapons or drug guns that can harm people, the world will be very confused and there will be many doubts about the use of 3D printers. Of course, 3D printers are much more likely to be used in a good way for people, but I think many restrictions are needed if technology advances and 3D printers become used in everyday life.


  14. Yuki Tange says:

    a) In the video, 3D printing technology was used in a variety of fields. Building hearing aids, jewelry, and even parts for NASA. For other examples, bio-printing technology can create body parts such as ears, nose, fingers, and skin, using tissue and human cells. Also, air ducts of airplanes, costumes like Iron Man, food, iPod, and even a house could be created by using a 3D printer. I was surprised that Ironman’s costume could be printed by using technology since it is just the same way the main character designed his suits in the movie. And also 3D printing systems for the house made a big impact. I saw the news of 3D-printed housing in Japan on Twitter last week, so it might not take long for it to become practical.
    b)3D printing technology will revolutionize the world in the future as it can be adapted in any field. First of all, it could solve the lack of workforce. Manufacturing and Healthcare, for example, are the most shortage areas in the world today. It is said that this is because of mental issues and low wages. On the other hand, 3D printing has the technology of creating those things in the area and needless to worry about the conditions. For another example, In developing regions, this technology could be used in the field of medical care. It could allow doctors or nurses to apply additional skin for wound care or provide replacement organs for those in need.


  15. Marina Fukasaku says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    In the video, the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology are hearing aids, jewelry, parts of NASA, someone’s ears, noses and fingers, tissues with cell, kidney, organs, functional parts, air ducts, costume of Clone Man2, house, titanium nose impact, chocolate, peanut butter, cakes, iPods and so on. The video said 3D machine can make almost anything. I think kidney which was made from 3D printer is the most amazing. And it was made by patients’ own cells so they don’t need to be worry about the major problem of rejection. Patients don’t need to afraid of that and search a donor. They can recover sooner. It’s awesome for patients. In the future, doctors can recover almost disease.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?

    This technology could be used on the medical situation and manufacturing industry for people in the future. It will revolutionize the world.For example, if there is cancer in the patient body the patient can change new organ which made by 3D printer machine. And patients don’t need to wait and search donor. They can recover sooner and hospital can treat more patients. It will be helpful many people and doctors. In the future, doctors can recover almost disease. On the manufacturing industry, parts of transportation such as ship or airplane will be made cheaper. It means people can go to other countries cheaper and tread is also cheaper. People can go abroad easily and tread will be also easily. The products from other countries will be cheaper and easier to get. People can know other countries easier. Eventually the economy of world will be much more activation.


  16. Yamato Uemura says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    3D printing is already used in building hearing aids, jewelry and parts for NASA. Nowadays, 3D printing can be used to make parts of body such as ears, noses and fingers. It is called Bioprinting. The thing that I thought was the most amazing was Bioprinting. Medical technology is developing day by day, but there are still many things that can not be cured. I hear that even if an organ transplant is required, it is rare to find a suitable donor. Also, some people feel anxious and distrustful about having an organ donated by someone they do not know put into their body. Furthermore, even if the transplant surgery is completed, the patient’s body may reject it and die. However, Bioprinting such concerns are eliminated because body parts are created using the patient’s own cells.

    b) What interesting new application could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?

    I think 3D printers are a huge revolution. People simply enter the data of what they want to create and wait for it to be completed, and the reproduction is completed. This allows anyone to easily create craftman works using a 3D printer. In Japan, there has been concern over the decline in the number of craftsmen in recent year. It takes a long time to practice to acquire the skills of a craftman. After the Industrial Revolution made mass production possible, it became very difficult to maintain a balance between the demand and supply of artisans. On the other hand, anyone can easily make almost anything as long as they have the knowledge. In other words, it is possible to make weapons. In Japan, there were two cases in 2014 where people were arrested for making guns using 3D printers. 3D printers can help people, but they can also be deadly. Therefore, developers and those in possession must act responsibily.


  17. Kosei Kelowna says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    In the video, as the thing that could be printed using 3D Printers, it has introduced a bio printing which is new technology for creating artificially any human organ such as ear, nose, fingers and kidneys. Also, this video mentioned about many other industries’ things, such as airplane parts, jewelry and even buildings, that could be created by 3D printers.
    The most fascinating application of 3D printers is the ability to create organs. This is because organs are composed of countless cells, and in the event of organ transplantation, there is a potential risk if other people’s cells or different cells are mixed in, as it may not work effectively. If 3D-printed organs can overcome these challenges, they could make a significant contribution to the advancement of medicine. I first heard the term “3D printer” a few years ago, but I never imagined it would have made such remarkable progress.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?

    I believe that the application of 3D printers has the potential to make a significant impact in the construction industry in the future. This is because it can lead to time savings and help address labor shortages. When it comes to building structures, traditional construction methods require a substantial workforce. However, with 3D printers, these machines can produce building components, reducing the need of a large human workforce. Additionally, humans have limitations on working hours, while 3D printers can operate 24/365. In the context of Japan’s aging population and the increasing labor shortage, advancements in 3D printer technology could have a profound effect on the construction industry. Furthermore, on a global scale, 3D printing for construction can have a significant impact in high populated regions with housing shortages.


  18. Eri says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3Dprinting technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?
    3D printing technology could print anything especially, ears, noses, fingers, planes, and suits for movies, houses, and food. I think the fact that this technology could print organs is the most amazing. This is because many patients are waiting for organs. However, most of them have not been donated it yet. In addition, even though they get an organ, the possibility of not suiting to them is also very high. When the technology advance more and be used in the real world, it solves many people. Moreover, it can solve the problem of organ trafficking at the same time because as I mentioned above, many patients desire to get an organ. As a result, organ traffickers would consider attacking poor village children to remove their organs from their bodies and sell them. I think artificial organs is useful to solve the medical and social issues.
    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?
    This technology has new applications in the aerospace industry, movie industry, and to make house and food. I think the application in movie industry is the most amazing because with this technology, you are able to create anything. As the video said, Hollywood used 3D printer to make character’s suit. If you apply this technology, you can make things that seem to be able to exist in only animation world easily. It makes the movie industry more creative. In addition, it would also save them the cost of making the film because this technology can make anything with a machine, so crews do not have to run around to shop. This means that it also can save time. Therefore, introducing this technology to the movie industry not only make it creative but also allows them to save money and time.


    • Koreno kelowna says:

      Thank you for sharing your essay. I agree that 3D printers will improve the movie industry. I hope the new technology creates amazing movies!


  19. Risa says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    3D printing is already used in building hearing aids, jewelry and even parts for NASA. Now 3D printing can be used to make ears, noses and fingers, skin and kidney using people cells as a tissue, foods such as chocolate, peanuts butter and cakes, and air ducts for airplane. Food printing is the most amazing for me. But I have never imaged that we ate printed food. In the video, Chocolate, peanut butter, and cakes are given as example, these are simple food and easy to create. Also, if food print becomes more widespread in the future, it will help solve social problems such as poverty and I believe if we could make other kind of food, we could easily feed other countries children. So, food printing is the most amazing for me.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?

    3D printer technology has the potential to make organ transplants possible. As mentioned in the video, this technology has interesting applications in the medical industry in terms of organ transplantation. There are people all over the world waiting for organ transplants. Unfortunately, some people who pass away while waiting for an organ transplant. If this technology is further developed, we can help them. I guess it is a good method to save people’s lives. Also, this is one way to make our future brighter.


    • Emika,Kelowna says:

      Thank you for sharing your opinion. I thought your opinion was very interesting because I had not thought of food printing as a solution of social problem such as hunger.


  20. Emika,Kelowna says:

    In the video, body parts such as ears, noses and fingers and organs and tissues such as kidney and skin could be printed using 3D printing technology. Also, aerospace industry’s product such as air ducts, Hollywood movie’s costume, and food such as chocolate, peanut butter and cakes could be printed. I think 3D printing of body parts and organs is the most amazing. Because the number of organs is limited, there are currently many transplant applicants on the waiting list. In addition, organ transplants are expensive, and some people do not have the option of transplant. Even if they can transplant an organ, there is a possibility of rejection. However, if human organs can be printed automatically with own cell and large scale, there will be no need of waiting for the transplanted organs and also reduces the cost of transplantation. So, more patients will be able to be cured their diseases and live longer.
    This technology has an interesting new application building houses in the future. And it will revolutionize the world. Recently, housing costs have been increasing and young people can not afford to buy an own house. 3D printing could help this problem. A Chinese company called Winsun offers 3D houses built entirely out of recycled materials, which cost less than $5000 to produce. Their process uses “ink” from fiberglass, steel, cement, binder, and recycled rubble. They’ve already built housing in China, have recently expanded to Saudi Arabia, and plan on expanding to twenty other countries over the next few years. 3D printing saves home builders on transportation costs, building materials, and labor costs. That is why, housing cost will decrease and it will be easy for young people to buy an own houses. It might happen that the cities of the future may be built through 3D printing in the future.


    • Hiyori Kelowna says:

      Thank you for sharing your opinion. I was thinking that 3D printers will be used in the construction industry in the future, so I was surprised that 3D printers are used to build housing already.


    • Peggy Kelowna says:

      Thank you for sharing your opinion!!
      I had searched the Internet for the Chinese company you mentioned, the pictures show the buildings are made by 3D printing, that’s amazing!
      The company also developed an app which is called “WinSun 3D ”
      Screener” can helps manufacturers decide wether to use 3D-printing through to analyze the building material and the cost to choose the right additive manufacturing technology. That would be a great help to maintain the safety of the structure!!


  21. Peggy Kelowna says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    In the video, it showed a machine different from traditional ink printing, it can even make the project three-dimensional which is called 3D printing. Nowadays, there are many projects that are already in use. Such as hearing aids, jewelry, costume, even parts for NASA and the airplane’s air ducts. Dr.Alata had developed it for bioprinting, his goal is to transplant the parts directly into the patients. The thing I was surprised about is he said 3D printing can make human organs. I have heard about 3D printing technology for a long time but only know that it can make dolls. now it can printing tissue with cells, using patient’s own cells and avoid the problem of rejection. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, However, the legitimacy of the use of recombinant organs still needs people’s attention. If the program is popularized in the future, the production cost will reduce a lot. Various patients who are waiting to donate will be helped. Maybe we don’t need animal testing anymore!

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or Why not?

    Each innovation is in order to make people have a better quality of life. In addition to using 3d printing in medicine, it can also be used in daily life.3D printing has the potential to revolutionize the fashion industry. Imaging that used in making clothes, a lot of fabric is wasted when people produce clothes. By using 3D printing to make clothes, only produce “required” , fabric will be reduced each time. One of the great advantages of this technology is we can take the recycled all old clothing and fabrics used in the past, melted into recycled 3D printing material and then used in new products.
    Fashion designers also can reduce the time spent on designing clothes.
    But we still have to think more about the softness,comfort and durability.


    • Momoka Kelowna says:

      Hi,Peggy! Thank you for sharing your opinion:)
      I love your idea that the 3D printer will be used for making clothes.
      Considering the problem of fashion industry, you suggest a new way to use the 3D printer. Excellent!!


  22. Asahi Nakamizo says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    3D printing technology can make a lot of things such as building hearing aids, jewelry, parts of NASA, tissues with cells, organs, real skin cells, air ducts, costumes, chocolate, peanut butter and cakes. I think one of the most amazing developments is the ability to create various types of organs, especially kidneys, through 3D printing. Dr. Atala mentioned that 90% of patients on the transplant list are waiting for a kidney. If a printed kidney can be directly transplanted into these patients, many lives can be saved. They wouldn’t have to wait because bioprinting has the potential to produce thousands of organs. This could revolutionize medical treatment.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?

    I think one of the most biggest impacts could be on the economy. If bioprinting machines become widespread, people do not have to buy everyday items even electronic devices. In this video, Professor hod Lipson said, printing an iPad can be possible in the near future. Therefore, people are able to produce many things by themselves. It lead to reduce the need for factories and companies.In addition, bioprinting can address various challenges, especially in the field of healthcare. Bioprinting can produce tissues and cells. As I mentioned before, many patients are waiting for organ transplants. Bioprinting organs can solve this problem because it could significantly reduce the shortage of organ donors and save countless lives.


    • Mahiru Suto says:

      Thank you for sharing your opinion. I think that 3D printing technology streamlines the production process and reduces the need for factories is one of the point about this topic. This is because it shows that we do not know whether this technology will be an advantage or a disadvantage for humans. As you say, this technology has great aspects, such as being able to provide organs to patients seeking transplants. However, simplifying or streamlining the process of making products may lead to jobs being taken away from people. I felt that we should pay attention to how new technology affects our lives.


  23. Momoka Kelowna says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    The 3D printer is already used in our life, for example, building hearing aids, jewelry and making parts of NASA. And this technology is spreading among many people. The process of 3D printing is too simple. First, people send image what they want to make to the printer. After that, the machine starts building. The machine prints thin layers and piles them up many times, then 3D structure is created. By using the 3D printer, we can also make ears, noses and fingers. Dr. Anthony is trying to make the parts of the body to transplant into patients, and that project is called bioprinting. I think bioprinting is the most amazing because it can help many patients who need to transplant. So far, patients needed other people’s organs to transplant. Finding an alternative organ was so difficult and it took a long time to do that. Some people couldn’t wait and lost their lives. And some people felt sorry about being given an organ from other people. However, using bioprinting, we can make organs. Also, people can mix human cells with artificial organs, which can help to avoid the major problem of transplant rejection. This technology can help many patients who need to transplant.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?

    I think this technology will revolutionize the world. Just sending images to the machine, we can make whatever we want. We can even make human body parts. 3D printers improve the possibilities of human creation. But its benefits are not always good. That means people can make something bad by using the 3D printer, like guns and weapons. That can cause wars or incidents. The technology makes our lives better, so people should use that appropriately.


  24. Hiyori Kelowna says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?
    3D printing is already in use, building hearing aids, body parts such as ear, nose, and finger to transplant the parts, jewelry, and even parts for NASA. In addition, 3D printing is used in the aerospace industry, and making costume of Hollywood. Now, this technology is becoming available to anyone. I was most amazed by the 3D printing used to make body parts in order to transplant. There are many people who wait to be transplanted in the world. If 3D printer transplants become practical and widespread, patients will no longer have to wait long years for transplants. The positive point of 3D printed transplants can avoid rejection. 3D printers use ink that contains a patient’s cells, called bioink. I use a printer for copying and developing photos, but I was amazed to learn that there are printers with the potential to save lives.
    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?
    3D printers are now used in industries such as medicine, and aerospace, but if 3D printers are widespread in people’s daily lives people can design by themselves such as furniture, and other objects. If this becomes the case, people stop buying objects. It will surely become furniture and object designs are sold, and people are able to choose their favorite colors and materials to make things to their own liking. Also, incorporating 3D printers into the construction industry will also have a positive effect. 3D printers will reduce transportation costs for materials, and will make it possible to build and sell houses less expensive than now.


    • Miyu Kelowna says:

      Hi, Hiyori. Thank you for your opinion. That’s a good point. If people use 3D printers to design things by themselves in their daily lives, they might stop buying. This raises concerns about economics, so we need to consider a good balance between convenience and economic implications, as well as the potential loss of jobs.


  25. Miyu Kelowna says:

    A)From the video, we saw body parts, organs, foods, tools, weapons, parts for building, cars and finallys houses. I think the most interesting amazing is organs. There is many people around the world that need organ transplants and they have a time frame of how long they can live. The sad thing about this is that in order for someone to receive an organ transplant in most cases someone has to die. They say that around 39% of Canadians that are waitlisted for an organ transplant will die before it is their turn for an organ transplant.

    I think there are many modern day applications that this could be used for that would make people’s life’s better, for example let’s say you are walking to school and you break the nose pad on your glasses instead of having to miss school you can just go to the science lab and print a new nose of. This example may only be a small inconvenience but majority of consumer needs can be produced through a 3D printer. The most important thing that 3D printers should be utilized by is those in developing countries. Countries will be able to print all sorts of tools to help innovate their country and get the people into a better situation. The world could see a surge in crime if 3d printers can continue to produce means of distruction through making firearms, grenade shells, and knives. All these can negatively revolutionize a country especially like japan. They have a very strict no gun police where almost all police officers do not carry guns and for this reason if it was possible for yakuza to have guns it would mean the public is in more danger.


    • Kanji Kelowna says:

      Thank you for shearing your opinion. I agree with your opinion. It is dangerous to have gun except police. We have to handle it carefully.


  26. Vincey Chan says:

    a)3D printing is using for many different kinds of things. It is already in use building hearing aids jewellery , even parts of NASA . In medicine, it can be used as a printing ear, noses, fingers and kidney or other organs. 3D printing can be using in skin, the skin printing project is being funded by the U.S military with the hope of treating injured soldiers. In industrial, 3D printing can be used in planes air ducts , movie customs like parts of the suit in Iron Man and it was planned to print a house . I think the organ is the most amazing, it is because at first I never thought that 3D printing could be used in medicine. Especially when it was said that organs can be made using 3D printing, I was shocked because I thought that 3D printed things were just dead objects. I don’t know it can use human cells to make some organs or skin in 3D printing. So I think this made me surprise.

    b) I think that with the development of time and technology, 3D printing technology will become more and more mature, more products or objects can be completed with 3D printing technology. Like organs or fingers can be manufactured. This is a great invention in medicine. These things can help many people, such as some patients who need organ transplants. However everyone knows that organ resources are very limited. If 3D printing technology can be used to help patient, this is going to change the world. Now experts are planning to use 3D printing in construction. If the research is successful, I think 3D printing will become a trend because 3D printers are more convenient and less expensive.


  27. Ren says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?
    3D printing is already used for building, hearing aids, and jewelry even parts for NASA and the technology is becoming available to anyone. The test of transplanting the parts directly into patients such as ears, noses and fingers is underway. For example, an ear takes between four to six hours to make printed with bio ink and they could make thousands of organs and allow the printer to do that over again. In addition, 3D printing has advanced enough to make functional parts in reality. Some commercial planes are now outfitted with air ducts that are 3D printed because they are smoother, lighter and cheaper and costumes in Hollywood are made by 3D printing like the suit in Iron Man. Students at his lab have printed chocolate, peanut butter and cake. I think this
    The bioprinting is most amazing because it is not easy, and I had not thought about it before. Moreover, the process is simpler than I expected. Sending and scanning an image of a body part to the printer. If this experiment becomes practical, it can help many people suffering from injury or disease.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?
    I think 3D printing could help many people with various injury or disease. He mentioned that by using the patient’s own cells, people avoid the major problem of rejection. There are people with disabilities so this technology that enable them to crate organs many times could save and help them. I think it will revolutionize the world because he claims that 90 % of patients on the transplant list are actually waiting for kidney. It means that if this technology becomes practical, there is a possibility that they can be saved. 3D printing helps not only disabled people but also sports player who need to stop their carrier due to a serious injury.


  28. Rin says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    In the video, a lot of things that could be printed using 3D printing technology were introduced. For example, hearing aids, jewelry, parts for NASA, ears, noses, fingers, kidneys, air ducts, and parts of the suit in Iron Man Ⅱ. I think kidneys are the most amazing because I knew that there are some experiments that implant some organs made by 3D printer but I didn’t know that it will be possible soon. The quality of technology is higher than I expected. I think all of products or organs that are created by 3D printer are very useful and helpful for people who need them. If people can replace their organs, they can survive from their disease and live longer. I think this technological improvement can help a lot of people and make more people happier.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?

    As I mentioned in question A, firstly, I think this technology can help a lot of people in the world. Although medical field has been improving so fast, there are still many disease that people cannot have any medical treatment. If people have serious disease, they sometimes just have to wait their death. So if this bio-printing can actually implant to human bodies, it absolutely helps thousands of people around the world. Also, I think people can rearrange their bodies by using technology in the future. I don’t think it is a good thing, but there are some people who want to replace some parts of their faces and bodies. It is a very controversial topic but I think people will face this problem soon.


  29. Jinyoung Kelowna says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    In the video, 3D printing machine can make copies of almost anything. 3D printing technology can print building, hearing aids, jewelry, even parts for NASA. There are many more besides this. While watching this video, I was most impressed by the organs created using 3D. In the latest statistics I saw, more than 20% of deaths in Korea are due to cancer. According to another survey, I saw that one person dies every three hours while waiting for an organ transplant. Although there have been many medical innovations to date, there are still many people suffering. If medical organs become a reality in the near future, a large number of people will be able to have new lives. Additionally, if 3D organs are used, side effects can be reduced compared to now through custom manufacturing. I think life is more important than anything else, so 3D organs were the most amazing thing.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?

    In my opinion, ‘YES’ 3D technology will give interesting new applications and will revolutionize the world. 3D printing provides convenience in a variety of fields. As seen in the video, 3D printing is currently used in medical, industrial, and convenience fields…etc. When we first developed 3D printing, we never thought it would advance to this level. If a very long time passes, we might be able to print another Earth by using 3D printing technology. Speaking again about question A, just the invention of artificial organs using 3D printing will be a medical revolution in the world.


  30. a) For the first, using a 3D printer is introduced as making someone’s organs such as the ear. It is the same technology as our home one. Just their inks and papers are changed into issues of the cells, professor said. His goal is that the models made by 3D printers transplant directly to patients. An ear takes 6 months to make. It is made from biodegradable gel and actual human’s cell. Because it needs the patient’s own cells, they don’t have rejection while using it. And also 3D printers are used for making kidneys. He showed the way in public. It has the potential to automate organ transplant. It makes the way of transplant much more efficient. In addition, it is used to cover the US soldiers’ wounds.

    The technology went around in the mid 80s and was mainly used for prototyping in industrial settings. Because that is a game changer, 3D printers are used in many occasions beyond the previous one to actual functional parts such as air ducts of airplanes and costumes in Hollywood. Moreover, a professor in California plans to make a building with the technology. And it can be foods such as cake.

    For me, medical usage of 3D printers is most amazing because if it is possible, we can transplant our organs over and over. I could not imagine that. So, I think it is an innovation and also I am afraid of it.

    b) I think we can create our ideas easier by the technology of 3D printing. But, it is not always good for humans, if 3D printers can completely make our idea true, it means we can even make weapons such as plastic bombs. I am really concerned that 3D printers will be placed all over the world and used in conflict and protesting. So, the government should control the machines.


  31. Masataka Kira says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    3D printing technology can print artificial human’s organ, ears and finger. Also, the parts of plane, foods, building and jewelry are printed in this video. Printing organ, ears and fingers is the most amazing for me. Before I watched this video, I thought it is impossible to print humans organ because as you know, organ is inside of body so I could not imagine how to print human’s organ. However, it is possible to print artificial organ. Also, artificial organ may be transplant in the future. But it has a question. The artificial organ can function as human’s organ or not. If it can function, it can be big innovation for people because today, many people need to transplant their organ because of some disease or some accident. However, the number of donor is not enough. And if 3D printer can print every kind of artificial organ, doctors can practice difficult surgery by artificial organ. And then, the percentage of probability of surgery success will be higher. So, printing artificial organ is important for medical innovation.

    b) What interesting new application could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?

    I think that 3D printer have big impact to the medical and architecture industry. For medical, doctors can practice some difficult surgeries. Then the percentage of surgery success may increase. Furthermore, 3D printers can help patients with similar symptoms to people who have been unable to recover from disease due to inoperable or failed surgeries. For architecture industry, people can make building models and parts anytime they just wait. Many countries has fewer worker in the world so 3D printers can help reduce labor. People can make anything by 3D printer so 3D printer can give big effects to every occupations. 3D printers are a revolution for the world because if people use 3D printer, they can reproduce craftsmanship that originally could reproduce only by hand can be reproduced almost perfectly, and for countries with labor shortages, 3D printer can lead to a reduction in the workforce. However, using 3D printer has a problem. People can make everything by 3D printer even weapons. So, if people can make some weapons, it has a possibility of increasing accidents such as terrorism. Using 3D printer is good for our life, but there are also dangers that need to be addressed, for example, by considering settings that do not allow for the creation of weapons.


  32. Ayana Tsuchihara says:

    – a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    There are many things the 3D printing can print. In this video, the examples are some body part such as ears, noses, fingers and food. Furthermore, Dr. Anthony mentioned about bio-printing that he is planning to transplant some parts of body to patients by printing skill. For me, I never imagine 3D printing can help our medical society. However, this video says there is a bio ink and it can be our cells. It takes a long time to make one small part but if we can use 3D printing one of the tools in hospital, it means we can have one more option to treat patients and it could not be better.

    – b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?

    There are uncountable possibilities in this technology and it definitely help a lot of fields. For the question one, they are trying to use it as a transplanting. The most interesting part is, they can avoid the symptom of rejection because it can copy the cells of patients. Every time when transplant happens, the fear of it is the rejection whether patient’s body can adapt the new things. Therefore, it is amazing and I believe it will be a huge step of our medical field.


    • Yu Kokaji says:

      I agree with you. We look at the benefits from the same perspective. I believe that science can prove and overcome all kinds of internal reactions.


  33. Yu Kokaji says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    3D printer can make jewelry, parts of NASA, tissues and organs such as ears, noses, fingers , skin and kidneys. In addition, it can make parts of airplane, costumes using in the famous film and even some food. I think the most amazing thing that can be made with a 3D printer is skin. I was especially surprised to see the scene where the skin was created in real time using a 3D printer. This is because at first I thought it could be used for good things like organs, but I realized that it could also be used for bad things like war. It will be able to quickly heal soldiers so they can fight again, and it will be able to create weapons to kill people.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?
    I believe that 3D printers will be further applied in the medical field and will revolutionize the world. The video gave an example of kidneys in which the doctor said there are no rejections. Currently, research is progressing to transplant non-human organs such as pigs into humans, and clinical trials are being conducted, but I have also heard of people dying from rejection. In addition, there are many people around the world who are waiting for organ donation. i think that 3D printer will solve these all problems.


    • Shuma Kelowna says:

      Thank you for sharing your opinion.
      I had no idea that 3D printing can be used for bad things. I think it might happen some day.
      3D printing will be superhero in medical advancement.


  34. Shuma Kelowna says:

    In this video, there are things being printed by 3D printing. For example, an ear. 3D printing is using human tissues instead of printing sheets of paper with ink which is called bioprinting. Ears, noses, fingers are made by bioprinting. It takes between four to six hours to print an ear. By using patient’s cells, they can avoid rejection. In addition, kidneys are made by bioprinting that have a potential to revolutionize organ transplants. The U.S. military funded the skin printing project to help cure injured soldiers. Airplane industry adapted 3D printing for air ducts. 3D printing was used for making costumes for Iron Man. Professor in California have an idea that using 3D printing for a house and 3D printing printed chocolate peanut butter.
    The most amazing thing for me was bioprinting. It blew my mind because the kidney seemed like real but it was actually made by 3D printing. If technology is more advanced, any body parts can be printed out by 3D printing. I’ve never thought that machine can make human organs.
    In my opinion, 3D printing would be useful in housing. 3D printing doesn’t need human labor, the cost of housing will be less expensive and it can build a house in a short time. I think it is suitable for building simple houses in disaster areas. 3D printing are precise, so they can perform detailed tasks that humans cannot do. I hope it will become so common that there is one in a family. In the future, 3D printing can be expected to be active in various situations. It can contribute to the advancement of healthcare. If human organs can be printed, patients don’t have to wait for the transparent leading to saving many lives. 3D enables reproduction of prosthetic limbs and lost body parts. 3D printing has many potentials.


  35. Mahiru Suto says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?

    3D printing is already being used for a variety of things. For example, hearing aids, jewelry, and NASA parts. One of the 3D printing technologies is bioprinting. The technology uses bioink, a mixture of gel and human cells, to print parts of cell bodies on a printer. For example, machines can build ears, noses, and fingers. There is also something called skin printing, which involves dropping real skin cells onto the injured area. The United States is funding the technology and the military hopes it can treat wounded soldiers in as little as five years. Then it is said that 3D printing can even print food.

    What I found most amazing was bioprinting, which allows parts of the human body to be printed. This is because the ink used is mixed with human cells, which has the advantage of being less likely to cause rejection when transplanted into a patient. This could solve the problem of organ transplantation and save many people’s lives.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?

    I think the technology will revolutionize the world.
    One of reasons is 3D printing technology may solve food shortages due to the world’s growing population. In the video, there was a story about the successful printing of cakes and other sweets. However, if it can be applied to printing ingredients used in everyday meals such as rice, meat, fish, and vegetables, more people may be able to eat nutritious meals. Another reason is if it becomes possible to print meat, it may be possible to produce meat that has the same appearance and nutritional value as real meat without having to kill livestock. This leads to respect for the lives of animals.


  36. Kanji Kelowna says:

    a) Using 3D printing technology, we can make copies of almost anything. It is not too much to say that 3D printing technology may be change the world common sense. This is already in use building hearing aids, jewelry even parts for NASA. Moreover, the technology is becoming available to anyone now. In particular, Shinzo Abe who is previous Japanese prime minister was shouted by the man using gun that made by 3D printer. 3D printing technology makes our lives better, but we have to use it carefully when we want to create something with 3D printer. The most amazing thing for me can create human’s organs using 3D printing technology. If this technology improve more and more, people may don’t have to be afraid of the failure of surgery in the future. Furthermore, there may no longer be need to wait long periods for a donor. According to Organ Donation Statistics (Organdonor.gov 2023), over one hundred thousand people are waiting for organ transplant, and seventeen people die each day waiting for an organ transplant. Creating human’s organ using 3D printing technology may be able to solve these serious problems.

    b) If 3D printing technology prevail all over the world, this will bring about a major revolution in the world. As seen in this video, 3D printer makes it possible to even make food. This can help people suffering from food shortages. In addition, it can control nutrients and firmness. If it is installed in the hospital, people with some kind of disability can eat the same food as healthy people. In other words, using 3D printing technology can provide each person with the perfect meal. As I said above, 3D printing technology may cause human life not only good effect but also bad effect. We have to handle it carefully.


  37. Rina Sakamoto says:

    a) In the video, what are the things that could be printed using 3D printing technology? Which one do you think is the most amazing? Why?
    In this video, 3Dprinting is being use in various industries such as medical, airplane, Nasa and costume. The technology is continuing to develop and even making organs for patient. My most amazing point is that 3D printer can fix human’s injury directly. This technology is used for soldiers by using biodegradable gels and human cells. I think, Moreover, avoiding to rejection of the patient’s own cells is unbelievable innovation in a few years. Organs which are made by 3D printer help a lot of patients and work as the real organ.

    b) What interesting new applications could this technology have for people in the future? Will it revolutionize the world? Why or why not?
    If this technology continues to develop, It might solve global issues such as food poverty and animal extinction. There are many people who can’t eat enough in the world because of various reasons like poverty and a lack of livestock. I think If 3D printer can make enough food in lower cost, people could buy 3D foods in the future and this innovation would instead of agriculture. Additionally, management and instruct are worked by the internet. As a result, people could survive without real foods by touch the one bottom. This is one of my hypotheses, but this situation might happen in the future.


  38. Inseung Hwang says:

    a) According to the video, current 3D printing technology can produce not only simple objects, but also parts of the human body such as NASA parts, body organs and skin, and human bones. Although it is not yet commercially available, it is possible to manufacture actual human beings. Development is underway for transplantation. In addition, 3D printing technology is currently being used to make parts for some commercial airplanes and is also being used in real life, and movie props and even human habitation homes are being made using this technology. According to a professor at Cornell University, even human food can be made, and in fact, his students have already printed chocolate peanut butter and even cakes. In this way, even the most essential areas of human life, food, clothing and shelter, can be produced and solved through printing technology, and furthermore, it will be possible to clone and transplant parts of the human body, which were close to impossible until now. Beings from various realms are being born and are expected to be born easily in small spaces at a very fast pace.

    b) In the future, rather than only a few companies producing and selling products and consumers purchasing the products, the drawings and programs needed for 3D printing will be produced, sold, and purchased, so that anyone can easily do what they want in their own space. The application available from will be applied. First, the boundaries between producers and consumers of physical goods and objects will collapse. Anyone can purchase a 3D printer, consider ethics, and even create living things using a wider variety of materials. I believe that 3D printing technology can break down the boundaries of various existing areas and fields and lead to integration, and for this reason, I believe it will lead to a revolution in the world.


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